What is ApeChef.Tools?
ApeChef.Tools is a long-term partner of Llamaverse. With this partnership, ApeChef is able to provide us tons of tools to help you become a more successful NFT trader. By owning a Llamaverse NFT you will be able to connect your wallet to their DAPP and utilize a variety of functionalities.
ApeChef.Tools Provides the following tools for Llamaverse Holders:
Zapnode - One of the fastest Ethereum nodes you can setup for speedy transactions.
Autobidder - Automatically place bids on Opensea by using this feature.
Rarity - A rarity extension directly from your browser that will reflect on Opensea.
Stats - View floor prices, volume and more. The statistics will pull from Opensea and Coinbase.
How do I Setup Ape Chef?
The great thing is that, directly through the ApeChef.Tools website, there is tons of information available by typing commands through their dapp. Simply type "help" and tons of data will come up to help you out.
Mainly all you want to do is:
Connect your wallet whenever permitted to utilize the features/tools.
Type "visit tools" to visit the chrome extension to install the tools.
Type "alt" to setup an alternative wallet to use the tools with (once you authenticate your main wallet with the dapp to verify you have a Llamaverse holder)
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