Llamaverse Marketplace FAQs

FAQs related to the Llamaverse Marketplace


Can I stack marketplace purchases (i.e WL, Essence)?

No, you cannot. There is a limit of 1 item per holder - even when something is moved/discounted. As the marketplace is further developed, this may slightly change.

I purchased a WL that I already have from another server. Can I open a ticket and submit an alt wallet/Discord?

If winners are DTC, simply select a different wallet when purchasing on the marketplace. For projects that require you to join their server - we will use whatever Discord name is connected to your Dashboard profile. We simply do not have the time to individually change Discord names.

How do I know which wallet will be sent for a WL?

When you purchase a WL on the marketplace, you will be asked to select a wallet. Whichever wallet you choose for the purchase is the wallet that will be sent.

How do I know what I've purchased?

Check your purchase history on the dashboard.

When does the marketplace restock?

We have scheduled weekly drops on Saturday at 1pm EST, and these are restocked on Sundays at 1am EST. We also have stealth drops throughout the week.

How can I get pings for marketplace updates?

React to the “marketplace updates” role in the select roles channel.

I bought a WL on the marketplace, but why don't I have a WL role in their server?

Please check the Marketplace Gitbook for winners' directions for each WL. Sometimes, winners are DTC (direct-to-contract), which means you will not get a role. Other times, winners have not been sent yet.

What are stealth drops? How do they work?

To reward active members, we do frequent stealth drops in the marketplace. One of the marketplace managers (Cheezus or Stina) will alert alpha hub ahead of time. Once live, the marketplace managers will wait 2 minutes before doing an @ here ping.

I have an Animated and Static Llama. Can I purchase on both marketplaces?

No. If you have both, you can only make purchases on the animated marketplace.

Where can I buy SPIT? Where can I sell SPIT?

$SPIT is a utility token that is generated by staking your Llamaverse NFT. There is no monetary value attached to SPIT. 1 $SPIT = 1 $SPIT.

Last updated